Friday, 30 April 2010

Will Schuester is a Giant Man-Child

I've seen up the Madonna episode (15/22), so there may be spoilers for anything up to that point. We're taking about Glee, by the way.

So, Will Schue. Here are the facts as I know them, to illustrate exactly why I believe Will Schue has never grown up.

  • Will Schue stills work at the High School he attended during his own school days. He (presumably) left to obtain a degree and Qualified Teacher Status, and then came back - as if he'd never left.
  • He took control of the Glee Club in a self-confessed attempt to bring them back to the glory they enjoyed when he was a student. He often joins in with the students while rehearsing, rather than taking more of a back seat as a director.
  • For much of the series, he was still with his high school girlfriend.
  • When she wished to distract him from her non-existent pregnancy, she knew that the best way to do that was with a replica of the car he owned as a teenager.
  • In his new relationship, he used the exact song as he had at the beginning of his old one.
  • He is currently having essentially the same relationship as Rachel Berry, a student more than a decade younger than he is (with regards to new partners and virginity issues).
There was more, but that will do for now.

Thursday, 29 April 2010


Some of you may have noticed the lack of a set of Unlimited stats for this month. It's not that I've forgotten to record which films I've seen - it's that I haven't seen any.

April's been an interesting month. I got a new job, worked crazy hours for just over a week, then quit. It was a wonderful atmosphere, the coworkers were brilliant, but when it came right down to it, it wasn't a job I wanted to do. On the other hand, it left me enough confidence to walk away, knowing that I can find a job I'll love. At the moment, I'm still clearing tables once or twice a week, as well as mystery shopping, which is turning out to be awesome.

Anyway, I haven't really had time to visit the cinema, not with uni as well. I've barely had to watch my Lovefilm stuff - I've had a copy of 500 Days of Summer sitting on my desk for well over a week, and I only just got around to watching it. I did finish watching all thirty-seven episodes of Death Note. I don't think the ending was as good as the beginning, really.

I just watched 500 Days of Summer, as I think I mentioned, although it's now several hours after I wrote the first few paragraphs.

Honestly, at the minute, I'm a little bit of afraid of reading or watching anything that will make me really sad. That will make me care about the characters, and then hurt them. I just don't want to feel that way. I don't want to rewatch My Sassy Girl or read anything by Jodi Picoult. I don't want to get too involved with these characters.

I really couldn't tell you what's up with that.

So, in short, I watched 500 Days of Summer while concentrating on my Welsh textbook.

One thing that did strike me is just how much Joseph Gordon-Levitt looks like Heath Ledger now. The first film I saw him in was 10 Things I Hate About You (with Ledger), and he was tiny then. He still had a baby face, and was quite physically small. Now he's filled out a little more - although he's still very lean - and looks like an adult. In fact, he looks like a cross between Ledger and Keanu Reeves.

See? Maybe not around the eyes, but around the jawline and the cheekbones.

Don't agree? How about this?


Honestly, I think the major difference is in the ears. It's not as apparent in still pictures, but sometimes, while he's moving, Gordon-Levitt looks exactly like Ledger.

Ravel out.